Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Let's Rewind...September 2011

Late August to Early September - Chloe was diagnosed with bilateral profound hearing loss.  We were given the news and left in a hallway to wait to speak with the Doctor.  And the blur begins many many many Prayers...

Chloe Jean - 2 weeks
The question of "Why" - the denial - all the "What Ifs" - the guilt - the "What Nows"
I would explain the next few weeks as an emotional rollercoaster similiar to the grieving process.  It hurt knowing that she couldn't hear all the Love that surrounded her - the soothing lullabies her Big Sister sang to her over and over again - It was scary to know what the future would bring.

And then it hit me - while surfing the web, reading the daily news and another Parent's journey with their child born prematurely - SHE IS HAPPY!  SHE IS HEALTHY!  SHE IS HERE!  God blessed me with another beautiful girl and he will guide us through our new journey. 

The journey was just beginning - yet, it seemed like we had been traveling for miles!

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