Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Let's Rewind...August 2011

Our eyes sparkled when the Doctor announced... It's a Girl (we waited to find out, wanted that surprise).  Chloe Jean was born via scheduled c-section on Wednesday, August 24th, 2011 - she weighed 7lbs 1oz and was 20" long. 

Big Sister Sydney was in preschool - and patiently waited to come see her new sibling - her eyes sparkled as well when she walked into the room and found out she had a Little Sister!
Sydney Mae and Chloe Jean
Chloe failed the newborn hearing screening during our short hospital stay.  We were advised it could be fluid in her ears since she was a c-section baby.  The following week we visited the hospital again for another round of screening....failed.  And off to the first (of many) ENT appointment we went.

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