Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Where we are today (April 2012)

We are beginning to get connected with other families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. We have attended an amazing workshop that brought tears to my eyes seeing the preschooler with the cochlear implants - pure joy

The family is learning sign language to help with communicating with Chloe.  The truth is Sydney is far better at it then the parents.  She absorbs the signs like a spounge.  The family makes a game to see who can "out sign" each other. 

We decided to have genetic testing done - just to see if our "Why" question could be answred and also to assist with the cochlear implant process. God answered our prayers again and provided us with an answer. The day we got the results was big, a huge weight was lifted off our shoulders. Chloe's hearing loss is due to a gene mutation (GJB2) and the most common of GJB2- which means both parents are carriers. As parents, we have a one in four chance of having a child with hearing loss. 

We are awaiting to hear the "green light go" (as I like to call it) to see if Chloe is a candidate for Cochlear Implants.  We have been through all the necessary appointments as part of the process... a MRI will be needed prior to surgery to verify nerve is present and will be used as a map (if implanted). In the meantime, we have to make a decision on which "brand" of device we want her implanted with. 

Chloe has begun to "move" around everywhere, and I mean everywhere.  She loves exploring all around her - especially where her Big Sister is playing.

The waiting game

Once the storm had settled - we knew almost instantly that we wanted to pursue the path of cochlear implants.  We are working with Boys Town National Research Hospital through this process.  We have a hearing aid from the Nebraska Loaner Bank program, although, with her growth spurts, it is difficult to keep an earmold to fit properly.  When using the hearing aid, we see no difference in her response to sound.
I am learning and reminded daily - to have PATIENCE.  We are very blessed to have discovered Chloe's hearing loss as a newborn - but, it also means we wait until she is older to take the necessary steps.

The encouragement of family and friends is overwhelming - words can not express how appreciative we are for all the prayers, shoulders to lean on, words of comfort and support.

During the waiting game, Miss Chloe Jean is growing in leaps and bounds.  She is developing her own personality and the love for her Sister is growing just as fast. 

Let's Rewind...September 2011

Late August to Early September - Chloe was diagnosed with bilateral profound hearing loss.  We were given the news and left in a hallway to wait to speak with the Doctor.  And the blur begins many many many Prayers...

Chloe Jean - 2 weeks
The question of "Why" - the denial - all the "What Ifs" - the guilt - the "What Nows"
I would explain the next few weeks as an emotional rollercoaster similiar to the grieving process.  It hurt knowing that she couldn't hear all the Love that surrounded her - the soothing lullabies her Big Sister sang to her over and over again - It was scary to know what the future would bring.

And then it hit me - while surfing the web, reading the daily news and another Parent's journey with their child born prematurely - SHE IS HAPPY!  SHE IS HEALTHY!  SHE IS HERE!  God blessed me with another beautiful girl and he will guide us through our new journey. 

The journey was just beginning - yet, it seemed like we had been traveling for miles!

Let's Rewind...August 2011

Our eyes sparkled when the Doctor announced... It's a Girl (we waited to find out, wanted that surprise).  Chloe Jean was born via scheduled c-section on Wednesday, August 24th, 2011 - she weighed 7lbs 1oz and was 20" long. 

Big Sister Sydney was in preschool - and patiently waited to come see her new sibling - her eyes sparkled as well when she walked into the room and found out she had a Little Sister!
Sydney Mae and Chloe Jean
Chloe failed the newborn hearing screening during our short hospital stay.  We were advised it could be fluid in her ears since she was a c-section baby.  The following week we visited the hospital again for another round of screening....failed.  And off to the first (of many) ENT appointment we went.