Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Just another bump in the Journey

Chloe has yet another ear infection - which the Doctor isn't really thrilled about, neither are her parents.  There can not be any fluid in her ear(s) at time of surgery (if we get there, fingers crossed, prayers said).  So another round of antibiotics and wait until the middle of May to see if she will need tubes or not.
Chloe Jean - 8 months

On another note, the MRI has been scheduled for May 22, 2012 - and if needed, this will be the same time she will have surgery for tubes.  I am excited and yet very nervous for the MRI - she is just so little to be put under, but it is the final piece of the puzzle we have been praying for.  The MRI will confirm whether or not the hearing nerve is present. 

Until then...say a little prayer for a positive MRI report

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