Thursday, October 17, 2013

Little Miss Independent Chloe

Things have been running pretty smooth in our house lately - which is good to report.  Chloe is putting three to four words together to express her thoughts.  They are working with her on completing the endings on words... like ing or ed or even an s.  Also working with Chloe to understand two step directions - whether it be following two actions or getting two objects.

At the end of August - she had her 1 YEAR speech evaluation - went from barely babbling at all to hitting age appropriate milestones.  We feel blessed that Chloe is a smart little girl who wants to wear her cochlear implants and grow in her hearing journey.

Right now we are working hard on potty training - such a different child from her older sister - we are getting  closer, but really it is a matter if Chloe wants to participate or not! :D

Here are two videos from the other night.  She loves to read her books (which is exactly like her older sister) and wants to "I read to you" to show you she knows the book.

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