Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The first of several... "It's been a year"

Chloe Jean - 8 1/2 months
It has been one year... May 22... a day that I won't forget... the day we nervously sat and waited for the results of Chloe's MRI scan.  The moment when Dr Lusk walked into the room and gave us a positive report and the news that gave us hope and started what I now call "Chloe's hearing journey."

Chloe's MRI results showed that her hearing nerve was present, her cochlea (middle ear) and vestibular system were normal - which allowed Chloe to be a candidate for the cochlear implants.  Flipping through (more actually like clicking through) pictures from that time still brings tears to my eyes, it is a reminder of - a day that both of us had had lots of joyful tears, a day that gave us hope for her future, a day that lifted weight off our shoulders...

It also brings back that painful phone call where they found the cyst - but several visits later, there is still no concern of that cyst and hopefully after one more positive check this fall, Chloe can cross that specialist off her list of routine visits.

 Recently had one of those moments where I probably should of stopped and thought before I spoke (yea, I know, it happens... ) But thinking back I don't know that I would have stopped myself... Chloe and I were out shopping and running errands, Sydney and her Dad were out and about - tball, dance, cattle, who knows... here's the story:

Chloe Jean - 20 months
So like any other outing or activity, I use shopping as a great learning and language activity with Chloe and talk to her as we go up and down the aisles - just think off all the different words you might use there that you don't at home playing on the floor and besides this keeps Chloe's attention and I don't have a fussy child - so anyways as we were in line, taking items out of the cart, we were still talking back and forth - lots of items Chloe was naming and lots of "what's that"... the cashier informed me "You know mom, you are teaching her all those words and pretty soon you are going to be telling her to shut up." And I without a pause simple and nicely said "No, I don't think so.  Chloe was born deaf and any spoken language we hear from her is a blessing to have."

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