Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The first of several... "It's been a year"

Chloe Jean - 8 1/2 months
It has been one year... May 22... a day that I won't forget... the day we nervously sat and waited for the results of Chloe's MRI scan.  The moment when Dr Lusk walked into the room and gave us a positive report and the news that gave us hope and started what I now call "Chloe's hearing journey."

Chloe's MRI results showed that her hearing nerve was present, her cochlea (middle ear) and vestibular system were normal - which allowed Chloe to be a candidate for the cochlear implants.  Flipping through (more actually like clicking through) pictures from that time still brings tears to my eyes, it is a reminder of - a day that both of us had had lots of joyful tears, a day that gave us hope for her future, a day that lifted weight off our shoulders...

It also brings back that painful phone call where they found the cyst - but several visits later, there is still no concern of that cyst and hopefully after one more positive check this fall, Chloe can cross that specialist off her list of routine visits.

 Recently had one of those moments where I probably should of stopped and thought before I spoke (yea, I know, it happens... ) But thinking back I don't know that I would have stopped myself... Chloe and I were out shopping and running errands, Sydney and her Dad were out and about - tball, dance, cattle, who knows... here's the story:

Chloe Jean - 20 months
So like any other outing or activity, I use shopping as a great learning and language activity with Chloe and talk to her as we go up and down the aisles - just think off all the different words you might use there that you don't at home playing on the floor and besides this keeps Chloe's attention and I don't have a fussy child - so anyways as we were in line, taking items out of the cart, we were still talking back and forth - lots of items Chloe was naming and lots of "what's that"... the cashier informed me "You know mom, you are teaching her all those words and pretty soon you are going to be telling her to shut up." And I without a pause simple and nicely said "No, I don't think so.  Chloe was born deaf and any spoken language we hear from her is a blessing to have."

Friday, May 10, 2013

May 2013 - Just checking In

Wow - it has been awhile since my last post - guess that means things are going pretty good then - and yes they are!!  Chloe has really exploded with all of her language - in fact - she is pretty good at telling you "NO" when she doesn't want to do something.  And she is quite the Little Miss Independent Chloe -- it is a hard decision to make - do you get frustrated or upset with the situation or praise her for using her words to tell you what she wants.  I found this the other day and thought - yes, that is our Chloe!!

Chloe is doing great in her hearing journey - I have discovered within the last few weeks that she can actually tell you which one (left or right side) is turned off or not on.  The CIs beep when they are not connected to the internal processor - basically they are off her head - and she does great and coming to one of us (including Sydney) to ask for help to put the CI back on.  Well, for some reason (I was rushed and out of sync with our normal routine) her right side the other Saturday morning did not get turned on, but it was physically on and as normal... but after only a few minutes, Chloe came running to me and said "Ut Oh Mommy, help Chloe" and pointed to her right side.  Well, since it was still on her head and just turned off, it wasn't beeping - she could just tell that it wasn't turned on!  How amazing is that?!?  I think for a 20 month old - that is great and shows she knows exactly what her CIs do for her!!!  Our next step will be to work with her on putting them back on all by herself.

As far as language goes - she is really starting to put two or three words together to tell you things and she is great a labeling items... for example, Mommy coat, Sydney hat, Daddy pants, kitty bowl..etc etc etc.  One really never realized how much language children grasp from their environment until you are teaching a child to hear everything that surrounds them.  Every new sound to Chloe is a learning activity - and when she stops, points to her ear - you know she is hearing something new or different and would like an explanation of what she is hearing.  Like a lawn mower - she could hear that Dale was mowing (daycare) but couldn't see it so I walked her over to the lawn mower so she could get a visual... all the little sounds outdoors especially ones we tune out that she discovers... makes you think!!!

We are thankful for all the service providers that Chloe sees - and they are truly more like family members than therapists.  And for now, Chloe just thinks that it is extra play time and not work time - but she is working hard!!!