Pre-operation Exam...Check! Passed!
Pre-operation Physical...Check! Passed!
We have taken all of the "pre" steps needed in order to stay on schedule with surgery on
TUESDAY, July 24th...just a few more days.
A little details about Chloe's surgery:
We are scheduled to be at the hospital at 6:15am with surgery scheduled for 7:45am. The surgery will be approx. three hours long and she will be kept in recovery up
to an hour before returning to her room. Chloe will get monitored for two to three hours following
surgery before being sent home. Chloe will wear a bandage for three days
to cover the incision, which will be very minimal if you think of the
surgery involved. If you fold your ear flat and trace the edge, that's
approx what her incision will be.
Activation (turning on external device) is scheduled for 10:00 on August 1st. However she will need an X-ray first thing that morning and approval from Dr Lusk before proceeding.
Plans are to do the right ear first - second surgery scheduled for August 21 - due to the risks involved with the length of surgery, both ears are not done at the same time.
I will try to give updates day of surgery...let the prayer circle begin!!
You've got prayers coming from here! We'll be thinking about you a lot for the next few days!!