Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Surgery #1 - Right Ear

"What Mom"
Just a few pre-surgery photos...

The first day after Chloe's surgery has gone pretty good if you consider the surgery she just had.  She slept like a rock last night - and played a little and slept a little the rest of the day (hoping she repeats it tonight).
Her balance was off for most of the day - which they told us about since they worked on the inner ear - poor thing could barely hold her head up first thing this morning.

By the end of the day, she was laughing and playing with her Big Sister!  She loves her so much - it was priceless last night when Chloe finally got to see Sydney.  It was the only smile we saw since surgery.

Chloe has to wear the red head bandage (we like the choice of color they picked, getting her ready for football season) - and she doesn't seem to tolerate it well and can get it off in a snap.  So needless to say her few awake hours today its been quite the battle keeping her distracted to leave it on.

From our interpretation - they were able to get successful feedback from the hearing nerve when they tested the internal processor.  Dr. Lusk seemed pleased with how the surgery went and it felt good to give him a hug after his report.

Brian's highlight from yesterday (besides having a successful surgery, of course) is the fact that we got to pick an extra color for the caps/magnet/buttons... Mom already had picked out a light pink, darker pink and purple...any guess what color Dad picked out??  Yup, RED!!  And he already has plans to get a Husker sticker to put on them as well.

Matthew 21:22 And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Surgery day...

6:30 am...
Here we go! All checked in and waiting for them to take her down to surgery... Praying she will soon be back in my arms.

10:45 am...
Update... The cochlear implant is in, currently testing device, Dr Lusk will be closing up incision soon then take tube out and should be in recovery within the next hour...

Out of recovery and into the room, my arms!! She is sleeping now and doesn't seem to tolerate the IV or the bandage

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Think we are ready...

Pre-operation Exam...Check!  Passed!
Pre-operation Physical...Check!  Passed!

We have taken all of the "pre" steps needed in order to stay on schedule with surgery on 
TUESDAY, July 24th...just a few more days.  

A little details about Chloe's surgery:
We are scheduled to be at the hospital at 6:15am with surgery scheduled for 7:45am.  The surgery will be approx. three hours long and she will be kept in recovery up to an hour before returning to her room. Chloe will get monitored for two to three hours following surgery before being sent home. Chloe will wear a bandage for three days to cover the incision, which will be very minimal if you think of the surgery involved. If you fold your ear flat and trace the edge, that's approx what her incision will be.

Activation (turning on external device) is scheduled for 10:00 on August 1st. However she will need an X-ray first thing that morning and approval from Dr Lusk before proceeding. 

Plans are to do the right ear first - second surgery scheduled for August 21 - due to the risks involved with the length of surgery, both ears are not done at the same time.

I will try to give updates day of surgery...let the prayer circle begin!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

3 weeks and counting...

Just three weeks until Chloe's first surgery and the Mommy nerves have already started. Nervous for the surgery itself and the risks that are always there. Nervous for the new journey once her first cochlear implant has been activated. But I'm anxious too to see where this journey takes us and to watch Chloe's reactions as she discovers sounds for the first time. But overall we are ready!! 
(Chloe's ear infection has cleared, we go to the surgeon next week for final clearance and ear check)

The device we have chosen (yes this was a choice we had to make and it is probably one of the hardest choices I had to make) is Advanced Bionics Neptune. Neptune is a fully waterproof device meaning that Chloe will be able to enjoy water activities such as bath time, swimming, rain...while still being able to hear. This was a major factor for us as we considered devices - for me I went against my heart feeling and listened to my mind thinking about how much language learning time there is during bath time. Think of it they are stuck in a tub and can't run from you and you are stuck next to the tub at the same what else is there to do but work on colors, animals, shapes, etc, etc, etc 

Again we are asking for prayers from all of you to keep Miss Chloe Jean healthy so she can have surgery, prayers that God will guide the surgeon carefully during, and prayers that she will recovery quickly and be back safe into our arms.