Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We go up, And we go down...

Chloe Jean - 8 1/2 Months
May 22, 2012 - The big day was finally here!!  Since Chloe had that other ear infection and fluid in her ear the week before - she also received tubes in both ears the same day.  Chloe was scheduled for surgery first thing in the morning - and was one of the best patients, if you ask me.  She didn't fuss about not getting to eat right when she woke up - she was too busy studying everything around her - all the new faces that came into the room and all the new toys they had in a nice playroom there.

The surgery for the tubes went very well - we got a report from the Doctor what seemed like only minutes after she left.  However, we waited for what seemed like forever, to hear from anyone regarding how the MRI went.  After an hour, I was one nervous Mommy (and I am sure Daddy was too) and was ready to have Chloe back with me, in my arms again.
Shortly after, the Doctor walked in and told us she was in recovery and...wait for it...
Chloe Jean - recovering
God answered our prayers (and yours too) and we got the positive results we prayed for:  everything looked good - hearing nerve is present, the cochlear (middle ear) and vestibular (balance) system are normal!  

There were many tears of joy from both of us - we are so thankful for everyone's thoughts, prayers and concerns.  I couldn't stop smiling, I couldn't stop crying - We both are ready to begin the next journey with Chloe with the Cochlear Implants...

AND THEN we got a phone call we weren't expecting...Doctor called to report that they found a cyst near Chloe's brain stem.  The unexpected news hit us pretty hard - we weren't expecting this hurdle and thought we were in the home stretch for scheduling surgery.  We had an appointment with the Neurosurgeon on Tuesday (yes, today).

It was one long weekend filled with lots of rides on the emotional roller coaster of our journey.  We didn't quite know what to expect today: worried that this would put us on hold for the CI surgery.

With lots of prayers over the weekend - We met with the Neurosurgeon from Children's Hospital this morning.  Chloe has an arachnoid cyst - and we were told this is nothing for us to worry about.  This type of cyst normally only grows during infancy and if needed, can be taken care of if it causes any harm.  The cyst will be monitored, thankfully by CT Scan and not through MRI (once Chloe has the CIs, she will not be able to have a MRI, even of her big toe, due to the magnets), for the next year.

And now I remind myself to have patience...and let the Cochlear Implant Team work their magic...so our next phone call will carry the news of a surgery date!!
Sisterly Love Always

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Just another bump in the Journey

Chloe has yet another ear infection - which the Doctor isn't really thrilled about, neither are her parents.  There can not be any fluid in her ear(s) at time of surgery (if we get there, fingers crossed, prayers said).  So another round of antibiotics and wait until the middle of May to see if she will need tubes or not.
Chloe Jean - 8 months

On another note, the MRI has been scheduled for May 22, 2012 - and if needed, this will be the same time she will have surgery for tubes.  I am excited and yet very nervous for the MRI - she is just so little to be put under, but it is the final piece of the puzzle we have been praying for.  The MRI will confirm whether or not the hearing nerve is present. 

Until then...say a little prayer for a positive MRI report