One year ago today, again we nervously traveled to Boys Town NRH - but this time for activation of her right cochlear implant. Not knowing what to expect - whether it be her cries from being scared of the new sounds or no response at all...
One year ago today Chloe Jean turned her head to the sound of a ringing bell and looked at it in wonder, no tears at all. Mom had plenty of tears, joyful happy tears once the day was complete. A day that I will always remember, a day that started Chloe's hearing journey... A day that we don't regret.
We celebrate this day - just as if it is a birthday, her hearing birthday. As one year ago today, Chloe barely babbled at all. And now, she talks and talks and talks...
It is hard to get her on video of her spontaneous speech - but boy is there lots of it these days. Three or four words combinations to get her wants, needs or excitement expressed verbally. Chloe is doing great - far above any expectations we were hoping for - the hard work is paying off!
This journey is still amazing in all aspects - amazing people are working with Chloe to make sure she is hearing sounds and speech properly - amazing people are "playing" with her weekly to help her speech development - amazing people care and pray for Chloe and her journey - God has blessed us on this journey and continues to guide us with each new hurdle we face.