Wednesday, August 29, 2012

WOW!! Second Activation

There is so much media stuff going on right now thought I would share!
Boys Town Hospital did a press release in celebration of their 500th cochlear implant and with that we had a TON (it seemed that way for this mom) of media there today during activation.  Here are just a few of the links:
KMTV - Omaha
WOWT - Omaha
Omaha World Herald
KETV - Omaha

Activation was a success - I would say that there wasn't as much of a "Aha" moment - but we know and saw that she was responding to the sounds. Her time in the booth was probably when we saw it the most - as she would turn (sometimes still to the right as that is where she has been hearing from this past month) her head and wave to whatever light and character seemed to be "talking" to her.  

AND then you have to check out the first of two videos they have created... On YouTube search for BoysTown Hospital and cochlear implant and there is a video called "what is a cochlear implant"
Or click here: What is a Cochlear Implant

The second video will be more of just Chloe's story and I will post once it has been uploaded.

We truly feel blessed to be working with Boys Town Hospital and the CI Team as well as all of our "team" members - we would not be where we are today without all of the support we have that surrounds us.  We understand and realize that there is a lot of hard work ahead of us - but in a way fun and energizing as well to see her grow in her hearing journey.  

The sound of hearing her babble again and make all these little steps 
is purely amazing for this mom...just warms my heart!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It's surgery day #2

We arrived and were all checked in by 7am! Chloe did very well of being distracted and wasn't fussy about not getting her milk. She played in the toy room and gave lots of big cheesy smiles and waves to the wonderful staff we have today.

Chloe got her own special wagon ride to the OR and we were told she was all smiles!!

She should be back in recovery within the hour. Can't wait to talk to Dr Lusk to hear how well it all went!

Noon...She is back from recovery!! Went well with no complications... Might sit a little higher than the other one but that's how her skull accepted it... Soundly sleeping in my arms!

We are home and resting although she's doing so much better than last time!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Here we go again...Surgery #2

I remember thinking "way back when" they scheduled the first surgery that I really wish the two were closer together - just antsy I guess for Chloe to have both of her CIs...but boy, where did that time go??  Here we are again, the night before her second surgery.  Tomorrow she will receive her left cochlear implant... yeah, I know, I should be in bed, but who really needs sleep these days?

Over this past weekend, we celebrated Chloe's First Birthday (yes, a little early)... Where has that time gone?  Honestly, the first few months are a blur but what seemed like forever to get to where we are today is here...Chloe was surrounded by family and close friends who helped sing her Happy Birthday - and with lots of hard work and a lil patience (maybe a lot of it), we are here - awaiting her second surgery.

God truely reminds me how much he has control - as much as I want to organize, plan and re-organize all of my life steps - he pops in and reminds me to have Faith, Patience, and Trust he has a master plan for me and my family.  Not a day goes by that we aren't thankful for the circle of faith, prayers, thoughts, and encouragement that surrounds us and our family, we wouldn't be here without all of you, helping our little blessing through what is an amazing journey ... We ask that you say a little prayer for Chloe to be comfortable during surgery and recovering quickly back into our arms, we ask for strong and steady hands of the surgeon and surgery staff tomorrow...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Week 1 of Chloe's Hearing Journey

When they told us we would come home with a suitcase full of accessories, they were not lying.  Thank goodness the upper level is assigned to the girls - it has saved us from not building an addition!  Chloe is primarily wearing her AB Neptune processor, and yes, it is PINK!

Chloe is doing amazing if you ask her mom!!  For the most part she is leaving her CI (cochlear implant) alone and when she does pull at it she tries to give it to you.  Sort of cute if you would ask me again.  Brian and I are learning to go against the natural of saying "NO" when she pulls it off - and just naturally put the CI back on with out making such a big deal of it.  Otherwise we have been told that it may become more of a game.  I think for less than a week with the CI, she tolerates it well...

We have noticed limited reactions to noise/sound from Chloe but too understand it is very early in her hearing journey.  ((But she might have proved me wrong here within the last few nights, as we have seen more reactions))  It may be months before we can get her to turn her head to the sound of her Daddy coming home or her sister running across the room, the amazing part is we know that she is HEARING.  Chloe was a great the second day of activation and gave them all sorts of feedback to judge where she is at.  However, we have noticed that her babbling has picked up tremendously which is good as it really died off about a month before surgery.  We have been give such great feedback on how extremely well Chloe is doing from her audiologist and speech language pathologist.  So encouraging to hear!!  There have been a few times (for parents and daycare) that once Chloe hears a certain noisy toy or two she promptly shakes her head no and removes her CI.  Hmm, I am thinking she doesn't like the sound of it, what do you think?
"Up, Up, Up"

Can't believe her first birthday is going to be here before we know it!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Just a quick update... Activation was a SUCCESS!! Miss Chloe Jean had no tears and even had a few smirks!! There were a few moments when she stopped playing and by looking at her eyes she knew there was something different.
Will post more later (in a few days) but until then we are thankful God has answered our prayers and enjoying playing with Chloe and introducing her to all the new sounds!! Here is a quick video- hope the quality is good, I'm still learning how to get it on here- you will see how she stopped and focused on the new sound once they started ringing the bell...